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instantly kicked for griefing for no reason

I literaly just visited this site, and found some empty space between pictures to draw in. as soon as I clicked down and drew a dot I got temporarily kicked for griefing. I hope this site dies out. this is just bullshit. when I saw this I thought it was something fun, but of course, you assholes consider literaly every person who can't draw well to be a griefer apparently. not that I was able to show my mediocre skills in drawing, as I got instantly kickied. honestly, f*ck you. you don't need to start bashing me or saying it's my fault (I know you won't be apologizing or trying to fix anything), because this is all on you. your system is bad. I didn't do anything wrong and still got kicked. f*ck you, I hope this site dies out.

ihateyou(rsystem) , 09.04.2016, 18:54
Response from the site administrator
alemaaltevinden, 10.04.2016
If you give me your enddate + endtime I am able to unban. You were most likely banned by the automated system for drawing in a region where you weren't allowed to.
Idea status: completed


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